The Miracle We Need

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. And sometimes the miracle we want isn’t the miracle we need. Don’t miss the miracle God wants to do in your life because you’ve placed Him in a box. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8-9,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Miracles not only come in ALL shapes and sizes but in MANY shapes and sizes. What I mean by this is that sometimes we’re focused on the ONE BIG thing we want God to do, when in fact God is performing little miracles all along the way. And often, it’s those little miracles along the way that have the greatest impact on our lives. We may not even realize it until we look back and recognize what God did. The more this happens though, the more we learn to look for God’s hand in everything.

When I was 15 I signed up to go on a 2-month mission trip with a youth organization. Before you think, “Wow what a spiritual kid she was!” I’ll let you in on a little secret. I had no noble aspirations. I was just a rebellious teen who wanted to get away from my parents. So knowing they’d approve of a mission trip, my plan was to travel someplace fun and get my freedom from them. I had to fill out an application and choose 10 different countries in the order of my preference. 1 being the place I most wanted to go and 10 being the place I least wanted to go. Then the mission board would review the applications and make a decision. I listed Brazil, Australia, China, and several other exotic places with Africa being my 10th choice. Guess which one the mission board chose for me? Yep, Africa.

In Africa, I was surrounded by abject poverty. In several of the towns we ministered in, mothers would place their children in our arms and beg us to take them to America. I had never seen or experienced anything like it. It was heartbreaking. We also refurbished a church in a small impoverished community that invited us for their first church service. I have also never seen or experienced anything like that. It was amazing. The people sang, testified, and rejoiced in the Lord with great fervor in spite of their hardships. It was there in Africa that I rededicated my life to the Lord or rather truly gave my life to Him for the first time. At 5 years old my parents led me through the sinner’s prayer, but at 15 in a little church in Africa, I made the choice to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, fully understanding what it meant to give my life to Him. The miracle I received was not the miracle I wanted, but God knew it was exactly what I needed.

The miracle God performs in our lives often looks very different than the miracle we were expecting. Sometimes what we want isn’t necessarily the best thing for us. God knows this and in His great mercy and love for us, He’ll often protect us from those things. Like me, I’m sure you can thank God now that you didn’t receive some of the things you wanted in the past. Proverbs 14:12 says, There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. God always knows best and His plans for us are always good (Jeremiah 29:11).

Another unexpected miracle occurred during the darkest time in my life. I cried out to God for help and He brought a woman of God into my path that not only helped me walk into freedom, but became a spiritual mother, friend, and mentor to me. In my pain, the last thing I wanted was to open my life to anyone. And yet, this woman’s love for me and passion for my freedom propelled me into the miracle healing and deliverance God had for me. Relationship with others is so important. The enemy loves for us to be lone rangers, but relationship with others is often the catalyst for our miracle. We have the ability to show the love of God to one another and impact each other’s lives in a powerful way. Who has God brought into your life to propel you into your miracle?

When we can’t see the final outcome and all seems hopeless, it’s hard to believe God for a miracle in our lives. But it’s during these times especially, that God moves miraculously. Friend, don’t lose hope. Look to Him. God can use your greatest heartache, revealing Himself through your greatest pain. He has the ability to turn your worst trial into your greatest testimony. There’s never a moment in our lives when God is not at work. He’s always working, revealing Himself, and moving on our behalf. Our trials often bring us to the end of ourselves and position us to receive the greatest miracles God has for us.

What miracle is God doing in your life right now? Remember miracles come in all shapes and sizes. I believe God sends little touches from Heaven every single day. We just need to open our eyes and see. Look for God in the ordinary friend, and watch Him do the extraordinary in your life. 

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2 thoughts on “The Miracle We Need

  1. Dearest Jill, as I sit for a break from my work week and contemplate on this teaching; I remember that year when you went off to Africa, I met you around that time! What a blessing to know you!!!
    You blessed my life/our lives tremendously with your encouraging words of miracles that have transformed your life!
    It paints a beautiful picture in our hearts of how our Loving God is forever working miracles on our lives!
    Love you much! 💕Carmen

    1. Amen Carmen! Meeting you and the way the Lord connected our hearts is one of the best miracles in my life because you have touched my life in so many ways and I am so thankful for you. I love you!

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