A Voice of Truth

Last week, I was invited to be a guest on Gail Ross’s radio show “Faith Talk.” The Lord connected Gail and I about 5 years ago through a mutual acquaintance and she invited me to share my testimony on her TV show “Testimonies of Triumph.” I loved Gail immediately and still do! She’s such a powerful example of faith and boldness for God. Through the years, she has been such a blessing to my life through the books she’s written, her encouraging messages and just being who she is. Her radio show “Faith Talk” is on 91.5 Kingdom FM every Saturday at 11am and 8pm. If you’re in the area, check it out! I’ll also post on my Facebook page when our episode will be airing.

So, this Friday, I had the privilege of sharing my testimony on Gail’s radio show, as well as sharing the importance of being a voice of God’s Truth. As I prepared, I prayed for boldness. I’ll be honest with you; writing comes a lot easier for me than speaking. When I do speak, it’s not out of a great desire to speak publicly, but from the burden God places upon me to be His voice of Truth. After all He’s done for me, how can I be silent?

We may not always feel comfortable opening our mouths, but we each have a voice and can make a difference with the words we speak. I truly believe that no matter who you are, you have a message to share. A message of love, a message of hope, a message that will point others to Jesus. Every day we come into contact with someone who needs the Truth of God’s Word – our children, our neighbors, our family members, our co-workers, the cashier in the supermarket…. somebody…. and we can be that voice of Truth in their lives.

A few days ago, I had to call a company for some help with a computer software I’m using and still trying to learn.  As he directed me through some steps, we were making small talk and somehow the conversation got onto the topic of a relationship with God. We ended up talking for a half hour about the Lord. He shared his struggles and I was able to listen and share what God’s Word says. Seriously! This is actually not that strange, as I’m discovering that people are searching more than ever  for truth these days. In a world that is so dark and uncertain, people are hungry to know the truth and we can point them to HIM. The Harvest truly is ripe people! And we must be the laborers that bring it in!

As I prepared for the radio show, the Lord reminded me of Pentecost so I opened my Bible to Acts 1:8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

You see, when we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, we receive power. And for what reason? This verse says to be “WITNESSES”. A witness is someone who testifies the truth about something. That’s us –  Those who know the truth of Jesus Christ and choose to testify about Him!  This is the very reason God fills us with power. And I truly believe in this season that God wants to give us a fresh infilling of His power, so that we could be those bold witnesses for Him. Do you want more of His power and boldness? The Bible says, all we have to do is ask.

Here’s another amazing testimony a friend shared with me just yesterday. She was at her grandson’s wedding and there were many people and family members.  As she sat there, she felt the Holy Spirit urging her to speak. She said, “I just want you to know, that when I was pregnant with your mother, everyone wanted me to abort her, but I fought for her life. And today none of this would even be happening if I had gone through with that abortion. I just want to give glory to God!”  I get chills again, even as I type this! What a testimony! Not only of her decision to not abort her baby when pressured by everyone in her life, but that she would so boldly share this Truth with those around her. We have opportunities every single day to share Truth!

So, I just want to encourage you, whoever you are reading this blog; know that YOUR voice makes a difference. You don’t need to be the most eloquent speaker. You just need to be willing. Moses, who had a speech impediment, was used by God, to deliver God’s people from Egypt. All throughout the Bible, the most unlikely people made the biggest difference. All God is looking for is willing vessels – for people who will be like Isaiah and say, “Here am I Lord, send me!”  And as we choose to be those willing vessels, God will surely fill us with His power and boldness to proclaim His name to the world around us!

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5 thoughts on “A Voice of Truth

  1. I really enjoy your posts, Jill !!
    A few thoughts,
    Ordinary, or perhaps not so ordinary!
    You may have thought to yourself from time to time
    I’m ordinary. I don’t know enough, I’m stuck in my ways, I can’t say that, I can’t do that,
    I’m not good with people, easier just to keep my mouth shut & stay on everyone’s good side,
    how could I ever be a different person ? !!
    how can I ever change anything ? !!
    Is real change even possible in my life ? !!!
    Does God just use the best, brightest and most impressive to accomplish His will on earth ?
    NO , He uses normal people, and receives the glory He deserves.
    The Lord uses the unlikely to accomplish the impossible!
    God often does the most with the least expected.
    We, at times, think we’ve got it all figured out.
    and hoping that all will balance , But , rarely, if at all does this ever happen.
    Oftentimes, God uses things in our lives that we never ever saw coming.
    God’s implementations have nothing to do with our own estimations!
    Your age, background or even what others think of you, or what you think of yourself!
    It makes no difference to God.
    The Bible says God’s ways are different from the world’s ways.
    So long as your heart and motives are right, you possess what God looks for !! Imagine that !!
    Next time you begin to think you don’t have what it takes to carry out the task(s) God is calling you to,
    Think about this this instead ,
    God loves to use ordinary people of this world to carryout extraordinary things in His kingdom.
    Yes, in your own strength you cannot successfully carry out the impossible,
    however, with God’s power flowing through you all things are possible.
    God will certainly make a difference through you ,
    regardless of your status, age, background, or reputation!

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