Are You Ready?

Hey, friends.  As the world around us seems to be rapidly changing, none of it should surprise us, since the Bible is clear about what will take place before Jesus comes back. The question is, however, are we ready for the changes also taking place amidst the body of Christ? The Bible is clear about this too and as I’ve watched and prayed, I believe we’re living out the beginning stages of Matthew chapter 24. I encourage you to take the time to read it in its entirety. The beginning part of this chapter talks about the calamities that will take place in the world, as well as the greater persecution of Christ-followers. We’re seeing glimpses of this, and it’s only going to get worse before Jesus comes back. But what may be surprising and difficult to hear is what the condition of many “Christians” will be:

 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold…” Matthew 24:10-12

The idea of many “Christians” falling away from the faith, betraying and hating one another, and the love of not just some, but MOST growing cold can be disconcerting, to say the least. But it’s the truth, and the Lord prepares us with His Word so we’ll not fall prey to it. Are you ready?

Many will read these verses, however, and immediately think, “Well that will never be me! I’ll never fall away!” This reminds me of Peter who cried, “Not me Lord! I’ll never betray you!” only to deny Christ three times shortly after. While we shouldn’t fear, we should be wise and never take for granted that our only saving grace comes from not just proclaiming Christ, but actually walking closely with Him. There are many people who claim the title of “Christian”, and yet are far from Christ. Falling away from the faith doesn’t happen overnight. It happens little by little when we ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit and fall into deception. Deception is called deception for a reason. It’s deceptive! More than ever God’s people must be connected to the vine and attuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The love of most will grow cold. Those who once called themselves “Christians” will no longer be identified by the one characteristic God values above all else. LOVE. Instead of love, hearts will grow cold and people will fall away from the faith, becoming betrayers and filled with hatred. I love definitions, so let’s look at the definition of “betrayal:”

  1. To be unfaithful to
  2. To betray trust
  3. To fail or desert, especially in time of need

If you’ve ever been betrayed that definition stings because you know what it feels like. Betrayal is an intense kind of pain and disappointment because it’s committed by someone you trusted, counted on, and were probably vulnerable with. These are all qualities of healthy and strong relationships and the kind of relationships the family of God should have with one another. But how do we do this when that spirit of betrayal is running rampant?

I shared in my last blog post about how we need each other more than ever in this season. When all hell breaks loose as the days grow more wicked, we’ll find strength and encouragement in one another. The enemy knows this, and it’s precisely why that spirit of betrayal is so wicked and destructive. And yet, friends, we can’t allow the fear of betrayal to keep us from walking in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must unite together with other true followers of Christ. With those who live for the Kingdom, rather than personal agendas, big egos, or half-hearted, half-in, “Christianity.” I don’t say that as a judgment on anyone, but so that we would open our eyes to the truth and be sure we’re walking with the right people. It will matter more than you realize as the days become more evil. I said to my husband the other day, “Times are only getting more evil and if I can’t count on someone to walk with me right now, they certainly aren’t going to walk with me when all hell breaks loose. I want to walk with loyal and faithful people. If that means I walk with 10 people instead of 50, then so be it. I’d rather walk with a few I can count on than many who will jump ship when it’s convenient for them.” I’m not saying that we should cut people off, or close our hearts to people. I’m actually saying the opposite. Ask God to reveal to you the people you should walk with. Be wise in who you align yourself with in this season. And don’t be surprised if the people you thought would be with you are not, but instead, the people you least expected become your most faithful allies in this fight of faith we’re in. SELAH.

So how should we handle this betrayal and cold love without becoming disheartened? I heard the Lord say: Even though you are betrayed DO NOT BECOME A BETRAYER. Even though the love of most grows cold around you LET YOUR LOVE BURN BRIGHTER. Out of all the spiritual gifts, the greatest is LOVE. Why? Because GOD IS LOVE. There are many spiritual gifts, but love is not just a gift but a fruit of the Holy Spirit – the evidence of both God’s power and character in our lives. So God is calling us to step up our love walk in the days to come. To love, love, love, love even when it hurts. Even in the face of betrayal. Even when all around us looks ugly and impossible. BECAUSE LOVE NEVER FAILS. And remember, love is not enabling. Love speaks the truth that sets the captives free. We need to learn to love like God, rather than the unhealthy, codependent version this world falsely labels as “love.” How do we do this? We study the Word and follow Jesus’ example. It’s not going to be comfortable friends. Love never is. It costs us. It requires us to push past our flesh and love like God would even when it’s not reciprocated and even if we’re persecuted for it. But Jesus said, “By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35)” God’s true agape love, is the only thing satan can’t counterfeit, and yet he’ll try.

At the same time that hearts are growing cold, the false prophets will come onto the scene. Already, there are many, twisting and perverting the Word of God. The false prophet is the worst kind of deceiver. The one who speaks and leads in the name of Jesus, and yet is so far from Him. The one who speaks some truth, but sneakily slips in compromise and lies. I believe that those who have one foot in the world and one in the church will be the most likely to be led astray because the false prophet will speak to the stinking flesh of man who fights to hold onto the comforts of life. The false prophet will lure these people into compromise with a false stamp of God’s approval on it. Friends may Jesus’ words ring loud in our hearts always;

 ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  – Matthew 16:24-26

This is the truth that will set us free. Left unchecked, our flesh will lead us down the very wide road to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).

This is why it’s so important that we not only KNOW the Truth but WALK in it. My husband said something this past Sunday that has been echoing in my heart daily: “TO KNOW IS TO DO.” This is what the Bible tells us.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1:22-25

Knowing and walking in His Word is what will keep us immune to that twisting. deceptive spirit that is currently creeping into the body of Christ with the aim to distract, scatter, and destroy God’s people.

Understanding all this can be discouraging if we don’t recognize that our hope is in Christ. That as we stay connected to Him, He will protect and deliver us. In the midst of the chaos, we can have peace. We can be ready and prepared for whatever we face. I spoke about this in my last blog post. There is a shaking going on. The things that worked in the past for us no longer work, people and things that could be depended on no longer can, and it may feel like our “security nets” whatever those may be, are being removed. This is the shaking of the Lord, and the truth is, it’s going to shake even harder. We see clearly in Hebrews 12:26-29 that the shaking is for God’s people so that the weak would be removed.

At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.

Clinging to this world system and the comfort it claims to bring is a lie and a false security. The things of this world are going to pass away but the Word of the Lord stands forever. As this shaking occurs some will cling even tighter to the lie, and resist God, but when we compromise and ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit in our lives, deception is inevitable. Sadly, many “Christians” are in this condition. But with this shaking, God is waking up many! Some will hear, others will remain deaf, but it will soon become impossible to “play church.” A line is being drawn in the spirit, and a choice must be made. This shaking will shake people off the fence. Those who have one foot in the world and one foot in the church will be forced to make a choice and I truly believe when all is said and done, we’ll be very surprised by who has fallen and who is left standing. Lord, have mercy! Let that be our cry. The best thing we could do as a people of God is humble ourselves before the Lord. Lean into Him, and listen for His small still voice. As things shake around us, and the weak things are revealed, choose to let go and cling tighter than ever to God. Let’s do everything possible to ensure that our hearts are right with Him! That they are fully His! That we are ready. It’s the only place to be.

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3 thoughts on “Are You Ready?

  1. Awesome word that is needed in this hour we are living in as Christ followers. Thank you for this!!!

  2. “Knowing and walking in His Word is what will keep us immune to that twisting. deceptive spirit that is currently creeping into the body of Christ with the aim to distract, scatter, and destroy God’s people.”
    Yes. That’s absolutely it! Thank you, Pastor Jill!

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