Reflecting God to the World

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

Men and women of God who understand who they were created to be are powerful forces in the Kingdom of Heaven. And we’re even more powerful when working together, respecting and honoring each other’s unique and God-given design. God created both man and woman in His image so that we would be a reflection of Him. We’re two parts of a whole, painting a glorious picture of who God is. One is not more important than the other. Both are vital and called to partner together to accurately reflect Him. No matter how mixed up things get in the world around us, this was God’s original design since the beginning of time.

Men! You were created to reflect God in a way that only you can as a man. God is raising you up in this hour to be bold testimonies of who God is. He’s raising up husbands who will lay down their lives for their wives and love them as Christ loves the church. He’s raising up fathers, both natural and spiritual to be Godly examples to their children. He’s raising up men who will count the cost and be leaders in the community, exemplifying Jesus in word and deed. He’s raising up men who will draw this fatherless generation to their Father in Heaven.

Whenever true God-ordained manhood is highlighted or valued, the demons get agitated. This is because the enemy has done a good job tainting the value and strength of manhood, and the god of this world has blinded our society into believing these lies hook, line, and sinker. To speak about manhood as defined by God riles the forces of darkness and inspires anger. In reality, what looks like anger is actually fear, because all of hell shakes at even the thought of a man walking in His identity in Christ.

These days you can’t even say the words “strong” and “man” together in a sentence without raising the hackles of many people. Sadly, it often stirs up images of a controlling, domineering, and abusive man; and yes, while there are controlling, domineering, and abusive men out there, there are also controlling, domineering and abusive women out there too. These traits are not gender specific and these behaviors are certainly not attributes of strength. Strength as the world depicts it is very different than the true strength and power that comes from Christ. If we want to know what strength and power look like expressed through a man, all we have to do is look at the “perfect man” Yes, ladies, there is a perfect man. 🙂 His name is Jesus. And He set the perfect example for mankind to follow. Jesus, the perfect example expressed strength through meekness as He did and said only what His Father told Him to do and say. The strongest and most powerful man is submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, knowing his strength comes from God alone. He understands he’s been given strength and power for Kingdom purposes and not selfish gain. This kind of man will be a family builder, a community leader, a world changer and a powerful force to be reckoned with in the Kingdom of God. Can you see how satan’s attack against manhood is great, because God’s plan and purpose is even greater? Man of God, you may not be perfect, but if you follow the Perfect One, He’ll perfect you day by day and that’s the greatest testimony to God-ordained manhood there is. Not the distorted, and watered-down version of what the world depicts today; but a man totally surrendered to God, following the example of Jesus Christ. This is who God created you to be and He’s raising you up and empowering you in this season to shine bright for Him.

Women! You also were created to reflect God in the way only you can as a woman. Just as society has painted a false picture of manhood, it’s done the same for womanhood. For much of history, women have been portrayed as either weak or as sexual objects causing women to fight back and rightly so; wanting to be recognized as the strong individuals they are. But sadly, even that has become distorted. Instead of Godly strength and power, control became the main goal. While we’re powerful as women of God, this power looks very different than the power the world clings to. True power and strength come from God alone and Godly power brings life not destruction. While society has come a long way and gotten much better at portraying women as strong, it’s often been done at the expense of others, especially men, giving the message that in order to be strong, we have to push others down. Men and women were never created to work against one another, but together in unity, reflecting different aspects of God’s nature. It’s time to understand who we are as men and women of God and take back the territory the enemy has stolen.

To understand womanhood we must look at the beginning when God created the first woman and declares her role and purpose on earth. Genesis 2:18 says,

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.

The words “help meet” in the English language doesn’t fully express or communicate God’s intended meaning. The Hebrew word for “helper” or “help meet” is “ezer kenegdo.” Ezer has two meanings in Hebrew: to rescue/to save and to be strong and powerful. In the Old Testament, the word Ezer is used 21 times, in most cases showing God as an “ezer” to people. He is depicted as a powerful aid in times of trouble. There are 16 verses that depict God as this powerful rescuer or “helper” in times of trouble. Ezer is also used three times for nations to whom Israel appealed for military aid. The common factor in all of these verses is that Ezer is used consistently in a military context. Therefore, we see that the “ezer” is a strong and powerful warrior that “helps,” rescues and gives aid in times of need. This brings greater revelation to the word”ezer” when it’s used the very first time in Genesis to describe woman and her unique purpose on earth. Just like God and those nations providing military aid and rescue, women have been given the strength and power to help, rescue, and bring aid to those around them. WOW! Girlfriend, you are powerful! As a wife, a woman is given these unique attributes to aid her husband in ruling on earth as God’s ambassador. A wife is designed to be her husband’s strongest ally in pursuing the plans and purposes of God. But whether you’re married or single, your unique and God-given design as a strong and powerful woman is very clear. The word “kenegdo” brings further revelation. In Hebrew “kenegdo” means: opposite to him or corresponding to him. This expresses how women are different, but not less than men. Women and men express God’s personality in different ways. Both expressions are important and needed, and working together give a complete picture of who God is. Together they point to the ONE. 

These days many women have seen their womanhood and femininity as a curse rather than as a blessing. But ladies, God made us powerful just as we are—the gifts, the qualities, and the uniqueness we have as women are all God-given. Men too, have been bullied by society into diminishing the qualities that make them uniquely men because the enemy is threatened by these qualities that will impact the Kingdom in a powerful way. What does it mean to be powerful men and women of God? In the world, being powerful often means exerting control over others for selfish gain, but in the Kingdom, being powerful means impacting the lives of others in such a way that it influences others to live for God. Being powerful is NOT manipulating or controlling others as is often seen in the world. This in fact is an abuse of power. To be truly powerful, we must walk in HUMILITY and OBEDIENCE to the Lord, so that God’s power and authority can work in and through us for His glory.  God wants men and women to understand who God created them to be and boldy reflect it. In that, we are accurately reflecting Him and will change the world around us! It’s time for men and women to stop underestimating themselves, because of the lies the enemy has sold them through the messages of this world. Remember who the messages of this world come from (2 Corinthians 4:4). It’s time to understand and move in the strength and power of God we have as men and women created by God. It’s time to stop bowing to the fear and intimidation of this world that tries to bully us and erase the true meaning and purpose of Godly manhood and womanhood. It’s time for brothers and sisters in Christ to unite, to stop competing, stop battling, stop belittling, and start seeing each other as holy allies in the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s time to see ourselves and each other as God sees us and created us to be so we can powerfully reflect God to a world who desperately needs to see Him.

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