Healing the Holes in our Soul

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but I believe the soul is a window into our entire lives. When our soul is not well, our entire life is affected. This is why John prayed, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2).” Don’t miss his emphasis on “above all else.” He knew how greatly our soul affects every area of our lives. When the soul prospers and is healthy, everything else in our life prospers – our relationships, our physical bodies, our destiny…everything.

So, what exactly is our soul? The Greek word for soul is “psyche” and includes our mind, will, and emotions. Our soul is affected by life experiences, past hurts, as well as things carried through our family line. When we accept Christ, we become “born again” and our spirit becomes brand new, sealing our eternity in Heaven. Our souls, on the other hand, still need to be regenerated. This is what Paul is talking about when he discusses “working out our salvation.” It’s the regeneration of our soul he’s talking about (1 Peter 1:9, Philippians 2:12). Our old ways of thinking, our feelings, and our will, all need to be made new and become so, as we allow the Spirit of God to rule and reign in our hearts and lives. This is a daily process as we commit to making Jesus not just our Savior, but Lord of our lives. Each of us, whether we like to admit it or not, have areas of our soul that need healing and maturing. After all, we live in an imperfect world, and each one of us has experienced things in life, that have wounded us and affected our soul. I call these areas, “holes in our soul,” and the Lord desires to touch these areas and make us completely whole! I like to look at it this way – we’re each beautiful works in progress. We may not be perfect, but the Perfect One is at work, perfecting us in Him.

Soul hurts can manifest themselves in many ways in a person’s life. Sometimes hurts may manifest and become obvious, while for others, they may be difficult to see looking from the outside in. Each person knows their own personal pain, however, and God wants to touch our lives, freeing us from anything that keeps us from being whole. Who better to heal us than the very One that created us. Below are just some of the ways, that soul hurts may manifest themselves in a person’s life.

1) Relationship Issues
-Broken relationships
-Abusive relationship
-Co-dependent relationships
-Difficulty setting boundaries  

2) Depression

3) Fear

4) Chronic, numerous or recurring physical ailments  

5) Guilt, Shame, Regret  

6) Anger
-Easily Offended
-Judgmental, Critical

7) Issues with authority
-controlling behavior  

8) Fear of rejection or failure
-People pleaser
-Always looking for approval of others
-Avoidance of social situations.   

9) Poor self-image
-Difficulty receiving Gods love
-Difficulty receiving love from others  

10) Difficulty with commitment or trusting people
-Fear of abandonment
-Broken relationships  

11) Destructive or compulsive behavior 
-Excess spending
-Sexual promiscuity
-Lying …. and the list goes on        

I believe the first step to healing in our souls is acknowledging that we need it. Many people live in a state of denial or even fear of facing the hurts in their lives. Ignoring our issues doesn’t make them disappear. In fact, they actually become a “button” or “trigger” the enemy can use to torment and imprison us with. God wants to set us free so that there are no “buttons” or “triggers” in our lives. He wants to make us whole so that the negative cycles we find ourselves in are broken once and for all, and we can live at a greater level of victory. He wants to heal us, so we can be used to heal others. There’s no shame in admitting that you need healing. Besides, this is a personal thing between you and the Lord, and guess what? He knows anyway! He loves us so much and it breaks His heart when we suffer from pain and burdens we don’t need to carry. He’s there with open arms to help us release these things so we can be free. When I acknowledged I needed healing in my soul, it was the beginning of me receiving it. When I was finally able to see and admit how my relationships had been affected, how my peace was being stolen, and how my emotions and thoughts were dictating to me how I lived my life, rather than the Spirit of God in me, I was then ready for healing.  

Today, I want to challenge you to ask the Lord to show you any areas in your own soul that may need healing. No matter how far we may feel we have come, God has more for us. When God reveals areas, He may show you some of the “symptoms” of soul hurts that have manifested in your own life. He may show you a past experience that it stems from. Don’t be afraid. God never gives us more than we can handle. He’s not going to bombard you with every issue you need to deal with all at once. He’s merciful and gracious, and He’s the Perfect Father who knows how to lead us to wholeness. I am going to be truthful though because I have been through it and it’s important to know. Soul healing can hurt. Why? Because it hurts to face our issues. It hurts to remember things we may have chosen to forget. It hurts to crucify our feelings and emotions and bring them to the subjection of Jesus Christ. This is the VERY reason why many people don’t receive the healing God has for them. It hurts, and so they aren’t willing to deal with it. But listen to me…. It hurts WAY more not to deal with it and instead allow it to fester in our lives, manifesting itself in destructive and painful ways.

As you pray this prayer, “Lord, I want you to heal me. Show me the way.” and as God begins to speak to you, I just want you to say, “Lord, thank you for walking me through this healing process.” God will begin to do in your life what only He can do. There was a season in my life where I was going through some deep healing. It was painful, but I so desperately wanted to be free. I didn’t want to live with those soul hurts anymore. So, I would pray this prayer several times a day. I would put worship music on and just sit in God’s presence. God was my lifeline. I clung to Him. God is our healer. As you go through this healing process, I encourage you to cling to Him. He will walk you through every step of the process. He will speak to you and reveal His heart to you. He will supernaturally do heart surgery on you. He is the Great Physician. He goes where no knife can go, and He will touch your heart, heal your pain and restore your soul.  

Next week, I’ll continue sharing about the process of soul healing. In the meantime, I want to pray for you.
Father, I pray for every person reading this blog. I thank you that you are with them every step of the way. I pray for your mercy and grace in their lives as they acknowledge the areas of their soul that you want to heal. I thank you for strengthening them as they are vulnerable before you. Protect them Lord and the work you are doing in their lives. Set them free and heal them as only you can. I speak freedom and deliverance over them in the name of Jesus and thank you Father for a prosperous and whole soul. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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