AuthorJill Sparrow

A Day In My Life

Last week I wrote 5 Ways to Have a Good Day Everyday! You can read it HERE. I know some may wonder if it’s really possible, or how it even works practically on a day to day basis; And so, I wanted to share a day in my life and how I actually apply these 5 principles (GRATITUDE, PRAYER, BEING OTHERLY, SELF CARE, & AN ORGANIZED LIFE) to my day. Some days it’s easier than others, but these are principles […]

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5 Ways To Have a GOOD Day EVERY Day!

Have you ever woken up dreading the start to a new day? Or had days where something didn’t go as planned, and it seemed like the whole day was ruined? I think we could all relate! These 5 things below, are things I’ve learned to apply every single day, so that no matter what’s going on, I can truly have a good day! Is this really possible? Yes, it is! Next week, I’ll be sharing “A Day in My Life” […]

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Raising Kids That Love Jesus

If I could impart anything to my children, it would be a love for Jesus. Of course, it’s important to me that they excel in every area of life, but I know that a love relationship with God through Jesus Christ will impact their lives like nothing else can.  So, how do you raise kids that love Jesus? I know not everyone reading this is in the child raising stage of their lives, but this can also apply to our […]

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I smiled as I watched Rob rocking the content 4-month old baby in his arms after service this past Sunday. I told the parents Rob was the baby whisperer! For real! When our boys were babies, some days they were extremely fussy. I was exhausted and increasingly anxious as nothing I did would settle down my newborn and cranky, teething 15-month old. Then Rob would come home, and within minutes they’d both be resting contently in his arms. I knew […]

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The Honeymoon Can Last Forever

Hey Friends! I hope you’re having a great week so far! At Christmas, some friends of ours gave us a gift certificate for a 3-day stay in a hotel in Naples, and we finally had the opportunity to use it. It was so nice to just relax and reconnect with each other. Rob and I will have been married 18 years this year. Wow! How time flies. We’ve surely grown in so many ways since we first said “I do.” […]

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Writing Your Vision

I was going through some old journals the other day and I came across a personal vision Rob and I had written down together years ago. This is something we’ve been doing since we first got married. As I looked at the vision, I was in awe as I realized every last thing we wrote down had come to pass. Sitting there, the Holy Spirit began to remind me of all the wonderful things that have happened in our lives, […]

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I visited with my sister this week and it was so nice to have fun and enjoy time together! It’s so important to make time for our relationships and enjoy life. The key to enjoying life, however, is knowing the TRUE joy that comes from a relationship with God. Because the enemy knows the powerful force joy is in our lives, he continually targets it. Have you ever met someone that seemed like they had everything going for them, yet […]

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What a challenge to write this week! I had several things on my heart, but every time I started to write, I felt like it wasn’t what I was supposed to share. Finally, last night, I knew. When God speaks to me, the majority of the words He gives me are for the church as a whole. I often feel the Lord’s own passion for the church burning in my heart. Last night, I was reminded of my early years […]

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Arise Spiritual Mothers!

I hope all the momma’s out there had an awesome day yesterday! Whether you’re a mom, grandma, spiritual mom, or all three, I pray that you know YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I thought it was interesting that the Lord gave me a word Saturday night in regards to spiritual mothers. He’s been speaking to me about it since and I felt led to share it on the blog today. I heard the Lord say, “I’m calling spiritual mothers to arise. […]

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Anyone who knows me well knows kindness is important to me. Even before kindness was the “in” thing and t-shirts and framed art with quotes about kindness flooded the market, I was sold on kindness. I believe it’s because, from the time I was a little girl, I’ve been very aware of the unkindness in the world. When I was younger, I was extremely shy and would just quietly observe people. Time after time, in different situations, I would see […]

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