AuthorJill Sparrow

Finding Joy in Studying God’s Word

My favorite part of the day is spending time with God in His Word. I love to wake up before anyone else in the house and curl up on the couch with my favorite blanket, my coffee, and my Bible and journal. It’s just me and God. This is not only my favorite part of the day, but the most important part of my day. I’ve always believed in God, but I didn’t really study my Bible. Truthfully, I found […]

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46 Things I’ve Learned in 46 Years

This post is something I actually began writing on my birthday in July and then put to the side til now. Most of us don’t like getting older, but with each passing year, I’m thankful for the wisdom I’ve gained. How would my 20 something year old life be different if I knew then what I know now? If only! None of these things are extremely profound, but they are lessons I’ve learned and things I’ve adopted in my life […]

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Perfectly Imperfect

Hello!! I’ve been focused on preparing for the marriage conference my husband and I are speaking at next week and wasn’t even going to write a blog post today because of that. This morning however, I really felt the Lord wanted me to share. Before I do, I wanted to invite you to the conference if you live in the area. We would love to see you there and it’s going to be a lot of fun, and good for […]

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Unshakeable YOU!

Hey there! It’s been a rough several weeks for me. I’ve been battling one physical ailment after another since I got back from my NY trip mid-August. Looking back, I realize I had gotten off track with many of my healthy eating disciplines. I made the excuse of being busy or tired, but realize now, slacking in this area will cost me more time and energy then staying on track and doing what’s right in the first place. I know […]

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Embracing Change

I love the fall. Being from New York, my internal clock longs for fall right about now. Oh how I miss the leaves changing colors, the feel and smell of the crisp cool air, and of course every girl’s favorite time of year – BOOT WEATHER!!! I cringe inwardly when I step out into 95 degree weather and the thick humidity and blazing sun bring me back to reality…. My soul longs for all I once knew. So what’s an […]

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Feelings…the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

FEELINGS… The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! Yeah, let’s go there… let’s talk about feelings. If you didn’t know, it can be a touchy subject in the “Christian world.”  People struggle with the questions…Are feelings bad? Are they good? How does a Christian handle them? I’ve seen 2 very imbalanced misconceptions or “schools of thought” about feelings. Let’s have some real talk. Misconception # 1 “I’m FREE in Christ, so I can say whatever I feel, and act however […]

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True Strength

After last week’s blog, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a strong person. Have you ever looked at someone and just admired them for their strength? To me, the strongest people are those who may get knocked down by life, but always get up swinging. That’s the kind of person, I’ve always wanted to be. The kind of person I strive to be today. I used to feel anything but strong. I was very high […]

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I grew up with three brothers, and was a tomboy through and through. Most days, you could find me arm wrestling, racing, roughhousing, and yes, even fighting…much to my mother’s dismay. When I turned 15, I remember my mom bringing her makeup bag over to me and saying, “Let me show you how to do your makeup.” I had NO interest whatsoever. Then I turned 16, and well, I guess I just grew out of it. Deep down though, I […]

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How To Spend Time With God

A relationship with God is the most important relationship any of us can have. As with any relationship, spending time with each other is required in order to know each others hearts and grow closer together. It’s the same in our relationship with God. He already knows everything about us and He loves us unconditionally; but He wants to be known by us as well, and that takes spending time with Him. God is so vast and so deep that […]

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Say Goodbye To Toxic

Hey Everyone! Today’s post is written by a very special guest… my hubby!!! He always has good stuff to share, so I know you’ll enjoy it! Guest Post by Rob Sparrow: Search the internet and you’ll find many of articles on toxic people. You may have even heard someone say, “That person is toxic!” But what is a toxic person and what’s the right way to deal with them? I’ve heard the phrase “toxic people” used many times, and most […]

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