AuthorJill Sparrow

Life-Changing Encounters

Since I’ve written my Bible study “Encountering Jesus,” I’ve had a lot of people ask me what it really means to encounter Jesus. For many years, I had no clue. I went to church, called myself a Christian, and tried my best to live the way I thought God wanted me to. Something always felt like it was missing though. I felt empty on the inside. I struggled to live the life I knew God wanted me to live. Can […]

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Encountering Jesus Facebook Group

Hey Everyone! I am hearing wonderful testimonies about encounters with Jesus as people work through my new Bible study Encountering Jesus: An Interactive Study of the Gospel of John. I thought it would be fun to study along together and share our encounters with each other, so I’ve created a Facebook Group. If you’re interested in joining, it can be found HERE Just request to join. I look forward to sharing together! If you’re in the area, I’ll also be […]

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Filled With God

Have you ever wondered why people chase after so many different things in life? For some, that pursuit becomes desperate and leads to destruction; as we see from a world filled with so much addiction, compulsion, and brokenness. We’re ever in search of happiness, peace, entertainment and at times, even things that will numb us from the emptiness of our fruitless pursuit. Having once chased after many things myself, I’m so thankful I came to the realization that nothing in […]

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Love God More

It’s not always easy to do the right thing. As my husband pointed out during his sermon this past Sunday, we live in a self-centered world, where hundreds of words in the dictionary beginning with “self” exist to describe life in some way. Selfishness continually tempts us to seek our own comfort, rather than seeking God first. I’ve heard people say that the answer is to hate sin more, or have a greater desire to “do the right thing;” but […]

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Encountering Jesus

My new Bible Study is now available on Barnes and Noble! Encounters are personal experiences with Jesus. They are unique and precious; powerful and transformative. Every encounter with Jesus is life-changing. Join Jill as she takes you on an interactive journey through the Gospel of John. The Word will come alive through hands-on activities, personal study, and deep reflection.This study is designed to lead you into fresh encounters with Jesus, and propel you into deeper intimacy with Christ. Purchase today […]

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Faithful With Little

Hey Friends! I know I’ve been MIA on this blog lately, but with good reason! In the last few months, I finished homeschool with my boys and have been helping them get everything in order to start college in just a few weeks. I can hardly believe it! Along with that, I’ve been working on my next book which is going to be released any day now. I had written it before the “corona outbreak” and then during the height […]

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Who is Your God?

Who is your God? Our faith(belief) in God, is built on our own personal knowledge of Him, not someone else’s. I can teach my children about God, and while it will inspire them to pursue Him, they’ll need to have personal experiences with Him to solidify their faith. It’s the same for each of us. Most often, our knowledge of God comes in the midst of great hardship, because it’s when we can no longer fix or change things with […]

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Trials – the Training Ground for Faith

“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4 (ESV) We certainly have a lot to overcome in the world right now, don’t we? Some may even feel like the world is overcoming them. BUT GOD promises that those who are born of Him, have the victory – AND it’s our faith that ensures this victory. Maybe your faith has been challenged recently. Don’t be […]

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Fighting Fear in a Fear Driven World

There’s so much uncertainty in the world right now, and uncertainty often breeds fear. My heart has been breaking over the many people dealing with fear, because I’ve lived in it’s prison. Fear is tormenting, and can even be debilitating. With God’s help, I’ve also overcome fear, so I know freedom is possible – Yes, even in the midst of a world that seems out of control. This is God’s promise to us: “I have told you these things, so […]

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COLD LOVE – Will You Endure Until the End? – Part Three

The current state of our world, proves how life can change in the blink of an eye. All the more reason, we as the people of God, need to be prepared for whatever we’ll face as the world grows darker. As God’s people, we’re called to stand out, to be set apart, to be a light in the darkness, because only we can point others to Jesus – the only Way, Truth and Life. The enemy wants to paralyze us […]

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