AuthorJill Sparrow

The Healing Process

Hey everyone! Hope your week has been awesome! It’s been a little crazy over here as my boys are preparing to take their SAT this weekend. There’s been lots of extra studying and praying going on. We’re all looking forward to taking a little break when it’s over. As a homeschool mom, I plan our schedule out a little differently. We’ll still have 1/2 days of school this summer, but it will be nice to have a break from the […]

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Healing In His Presence

Hey Friends! I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter. We had two services at our church yesterday, and I really enjoyed them both. My heart was so full when I left. What a great start to a new week! Today, as promised, I’m continuing on the topic of soul healing and I’ll be finishing up next week. I pray that this “mini-series” has been a blessing to you so far. If you missed last week’s post, you can read it […]

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Healing the Holes in our Soul

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but I believe the soul is a window into our entire lives. When our soul is not well, our entire life is affected. This is why John prayed, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2).” Don’t miss his emphasis on “above all else.” He knew how greatly our soul affects every area of […]

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Not Just Healed, But Whole!

This past weekend I shared my testimony at a women’s conference at our church. It’s been a long time since I had shared my full testimony, and as I prepared, I was reminded of God’s goodness and mercy in my life. Since the conference wasn’t recorded, I decided to record my testimony while it was fresh on my heart. If you’ve never heard my full testimony you could watch it here. True healing is a process. The Bible is clear […]

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God is Speaking

I’ve really enjoyed reading the responses everyone is sending in from the survey I sent out a few days ago. If you received one and haven’t filled it out yet, I’d still love to hear from you! I love sharing life with you through this blog, and it’s been great hearing back from you. Out of the surveys I received so far, growing in your walk with the Lord, was at the top of the list. That makes me so […]

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Live ON Purpose

Hey Friends! I read this quote a long time ago and it stuck with me. “By failing to plan, you are planning to fail.” This is so true! So often, we have goals in life, but no plan on how to accomplish them. Planning is so important because it helps us to not only accomplish our goals but be more effective in every area of our lives. Planning enables us to live Life ON Purpose. If you asked most people […]

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The Right Choice

Can I be honest with you? A little over 6 months ago, I had the choice to be offended. Yes, I said that right… “the choice.” Being offended is a choice. My husband and I have spoken about offense many times because it’s a big issue in relationships. And have you noticed that people get offended so easily these days? Well, it’s not a coincidence.  The Bible actually says that in the last days, many will be offended (Matthew 24:10).” […]

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Take Care of Yourself!

Can I be honest with you? A few months ago, I was running ragged. Physically, mentally and emotionally I was worn out. It was a familiar feeling. A few years ago, I got really run down. The simplest of tasks seemed so difficult. One day, just the thought of my kids asking me another question brought me to tears (literally) because I was too exhausted to think of an answer. That was the day I knew I needed to get […]

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Unshakeable Peace

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post. Life as a homeschool mom along with ministry responsibilities with my hubby has kept me busy. Many have asked why I haven’t written lately and honestly I miss it and long for time to sit and write. I know the Lord has called me to be a mom and teach and raise these boys of ours to be strong men of God. I know I’m also called to be my husband’s […]

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Are You Prepared?

As a homeschool mom, life just got a whole lot busier! The boys are in 11th grade this year and we have a full schedule to say the least! Do you ever feel like you just have too many hats to wear? To be honest, some days I wonder how I’m going to juggle it all – especially when my heart’s desire is to do everything with an excellence that pleases the Lord. From experience, I’ve learned that preparation is […]

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